Judge Elizabeth Monroe

Rating: Pretty good.

Elizabeth Monroe heard a case that I filed in Shoreline against The Dohring Company, Inc., for spam that I received with the subject line, "Congratulations Bennett!" Judge Monroe dismissed the case on the grounds that "Congratulations" was not a misleading subject line.

I filed a motion for reconsideration citing what I believed to be several legal precedents to the contrary:

but Judge Monroe denied the motion and let her original ruling stand.

So, why the "pretty good" write-up? Judges are not listed here based on their rulings but only whether they conduct themselves according to the rules. Judge Monroe was one of the six judges that were part of my "booby-trapped filings" experiment, where I filed motions with the pages stuck together so that I could tell afterwards whether the judges had actually read the motions or not. In Judge Monroe's case, after she denied my motion for reconsideration, I went to the courthouse to check the file and the pages were indeed separated, so at least she read it.

Reading over what I've written, it occurs to me that my idea of what qualifies as a "good judge" reminds me of this article, but I'm letting the "pretty good" rating stand. But this page and this page are better examples of what I think judges should actually aspire to.